At Red level settings, please note, we will only be able to accept clients who are fully vaccinated.
Here’s how we will be operating at Red:
All clients will have their My Vaccine Pass scanned on entry. Please download this prior to your visit. You can do so here.
Barbers will be wearing face masks.
All clients must scan the QR code on entry for contact tracing purposes.
We will also be following Covid-19 cleaning and personal hygiene protocol to ensure your safety when you visit. We would appreciate it if you could help us too by:
Staying home and rescheduling your appointment if you have any cold, flu or Covid-19 symptoms.
Sanitising your hands on entry to the salon.
Sneezing and coughing into your elbow.
Keeping your distance from other clients.
A huge thank you to all of our wonderful clients for your patience and understanding as we operate under the Traffic Light system. We look forward to seeing you soon!